Synagogue Groningen

Small and not exactly beautiful, that’s what Groningen’s previous synagogue looked like.
Since 1756 it had stood modestly serving in Kleine Folkingestraat, also known as Jodenstraatje.
But in 1905, the old shul had to make way for a trendy and much more striking successor.

It was demolished and construction of the new shul on the same site could begin.
It was preceded by a lot of bickering within the Groningen chilly (Jewish congregation).
Not because of the distinct Moorish style, but because of the cost.
Who was to pay for it?

A bit oriental, a bit Christian, a bit Jewish and a bit of Groningen

The new synagogue became a real ‘poldersjoel’.
With something eastern, something Christian, something Jewish and something Groningen.
The windows in the facade and towers, the arches on and under the galleries inside: it is abundantly clear that the Groningen synagogue was built in the Moorish style.
Characteristic are the horseshoe arches in the windows and around the doors.

Kuipers’ Christian background and extensive experience in church construction also had a great influence on the design of the building.
The classic church form is easy to see: a short and a long barrel vault that together form a cross, a transept, an apse, a nave and two side aisles.
The many stained glass finishes it off.

Saved the rest of the building

The rest of the building received a total make over in 1981 by Amsterdam industrial designer Piet Cohen (b. 1935).
He designed a completely new interior, including Holy Arke, seating, bima, amoed and lighting.
The modern, geometric design deliberately forms a strong contrast to the oriental, rounded style of the rest of the building.

Since its restoration, the Groningen synagogue is again in full use.
The religious part by the Jewish Congregation as shul.
The public part by the Stichting Folkingestraat Synagoge, now Synagoge Groningen, as space for a permanent exhibition on Judaism and Jewish Groningen, temporary exhibitions, tours, concerts, education and lectures.


The NIG Groningen keeps its members and interested parties regularly informed through the periodic publication of a convocation