Chazzanut from Groningen

This production is funded by the Dutch Government, through the Dutch embassy in Tel Aviv.

The manuscript collection titled “Kaul Jehoedoh” compiled in 1928 by B.M. Stern from the lore of cantor J.I. Vleeschhouwer, chief cantor in Groningen is a unique document of 172 pages which contains the music for most of the liturgical cycle, which is a typical example of the Western European style, which at the time, dominated also in the Dutch Synagogue music.

The 16 pieces presented in this album are a small selection out of the Kaul Jehoedoh collection, selected in order to showcase the style of Dutch synagougal music. Part of the pieces are well-known not only in Groningen but all over the Netherlands.

Canrot Daniel Colthof is accompanied by Raymond Goldstein on the piano, as well as on the arrangements, and a male quartet led by Meir Briskman.