Maintaining Judaism is considered a supreme value within the Jewish community

The Jewish religion is a religion of practice, a way of life.
In it, tradition and precepts, rites, symbols and sociability are central.

The Jewish religion is a religion of practice, a way of life.
In it, tradition and precepts, rites, symbols and sociability are central.


Within the Jewish community, “learning” can also take place.
In preparation for Shabbat, a meeting is held to study the week’s parasha, torah portion.

Within the Jewish community, “learning” can also take place.
In preparation for Shabbat, a meeting is held to study the week’s parasha, torah portion.


There is also Jewish education for children aged four through 12.
It is based on the curriculum of the Education Department of the Dutch-Israelite denomination (NIK) in Amsterdam.
Hebrew can also be learned.
Beginners and advanced students can participate in these.
In addition, courses for adults on general Jewish topics are organized.


The NIG Groningen keeps its members and interested parties regularly informed through the periodic publication of a convocation