ANBI Information

Supporting with a donation is an opportunity to shape the future of the Dutch-Israelite Congregation of Groningen

ANBI Protocol 2023

Download the ANBI protocol for fiscal year 2023

General data


Name ANBI: Dutch Israelite Congregation Groningen
Phone number
RSIN/Tax number: 825589848
Website address:
Zip code:
Location: Groningen
Mailing address: P.O. Box 4187
Zip code: 9701 ED
Location: Groningen


The Dutch Israelite Congregation Groningen is a religious community belonging to the Dutch-Israelite denomination.
The regulations of the Netherlands-Israelite denomination state in article 1 “The Netherlands-Israelite denomination consists of: the Jews, residing in the Netherlands, who are members of and as such are assigned to ecclesiastical congregations, belonging to the denomination.”
“To the congregations, with due observance of the provisions of these regulations, is left the regulation of its administration and housekeeping.” (Art 5 NIK Regulations)
This congregation is an independent entity as referred to in Article 2 Book 2 of the Civil Code and possesses legal personality.
The regulations of the Netherlands-Israelite denomination contain, among other things, provisions on governance, finances, supervision and arbitration.
The regulations can be found on the website of the Netherlands-Israelite denomination.

The Netherlands-Israelite denomination has been granted a group ANBI designation by the tax authorities.
This means that the individual congregations and other institutions belonging to this denomination have been designated as ANBI.
This also applies to the Dutch Israelite Community of Groningen.

Board composition

The governance of the congregation lies with the Board of Trustees formed by members of this congregation.
In our congregation, the Board has 5 members who are elected by and from the members of the church congregation.

The board has a treasurer.
The Treasurer is responsible for managing the financial resources of the congregation.
The Board bears joint responsibility for managing the financial and other resources of the congregation.
The Board is accountable to the members, which is reflected in the approval of the budget and financial statements, among other things.


The objective of the Netherlands-Israelite denomination, including its independent components, is to profess faith in the One Eternal G’d of Israel and to carry out the Divine precepts set forth.
This confession and this performance are the basis of its structure and its organization.

The vision of the Dutch-Israelite denomination, including its independent components, includes working to strengthen Jewish identity, preserve and propagate Jewish values and thus contribute to building a better world.

Policy Plan

Policy Plan 2018 – 2020

The NIG Groningen is a denomination (falling under the NIK).

It aims to propagate religious values in accordance with the Orthodox Jewish religion.

Holding Shabbat services every 14 days.

Celebrating Jewish holidays with services and gatherings.

Education for children and adults.

Organizing Learning Evenings.

Organize an annual outing and a summer barbecue.

To keep membership constant and increase it if possible.

Visiting and keeping in touch with sick members.

At least once a year an overshabbat in the presence of the rabbi or chief rabbi.

Furthermore, maintaining our cemeteries.

Target audiences:

Involve Jewish residents of Groningen in our services and, if possible, make them a member of our congregation.

Jewish students to approach through IJAR and connect with us.

Our target group includes Jewish visitors who are temporarily in Groningen such as foreign students, expats and tourists.

We want to try to organize more contacts with the RUG.
We are trying to get more contact with IJAR

Compensation Policy

Our congregation does not employ any staff.

Persons in administrative positions such as the Town Board, committee or college members, do not receive compensation for their work.
Only expenses actually incurred may be reimbursed.

Report Activities

The Board has overall responsibility for maintaining a living congregation.
It does this by involving as many church members as possible in local work.
Some tasks have been delegated to individual committees or groups, including the cultural committee, in accordance with the by-laws of our congregation or mandated by the Assembly of Members.

Regular activities include:



Social activities


Interfaith activities

Dialogue with society

Cemetery maintenance


Intended spending

As a rule, the expected expenditures (budget) closely match the accounts for previous years.
The work of the congregation shows a high degree of continuity: the rabbi and volunteers perform their duties, synagogue services are held, and other religious activities also take place.
The budget column in the overview under H. shows this numerically.

Abridged statement of income and expenses with notes

The statement of income and expenses below provides insight into the budgeted receipts and intended expenditures in the reporting year via the budget column.
The account column provides insight into the actual receipts and expenditures realized.

Planned spending for the coming year will not differ significantly from the planned spending of the reporting year.

Dutch Israelite Congregation Groningen

Dutch Israelite Congregation Groningen (Income and expenses).


Denominations and their components in the Netherlands provide the necessary income for their activities themselves.
Members are asked each year for their contributions for the work of the Jewish Congregation to which they belong.

NIG Groningen receives no government subsidy in the Netherlands, except for the preservation of monumental (synagogue) buildings or a specific project.

A large portion of the income received is spent on pastoral care, housing (rent of the synagogue), care and religious instruction including the personnel costs involved and on the organization of religious activities.

In addition, the income received is also spent on maintaining the property needed to hold synagogue services (such as maintenance, energy, taxes and insurance) and on the costs of our own organization (other staff, volunteers) and contributions for maintaining regional and national work.

Management expenses include the costs of administration and management of assets.